I am so grateful for my family. I am grateful for the great things they are doing, and so much love I am feeling from them. I am so grateful that the baby inside of me is already more loved than a child could hope to be. I am grateful for members of my family just working so hard to do good things. I love them all no matter where they are, and will always count them among my most cherished blessings.
As for the start of new holidays in my new home - dinner with my in-laws was on Sunday and was delicious as always. Eric and I spent the afternoon at the park with Jordan and his kids, and I am grateful for them and their sweet spirits in our family gatherings. It is so nice to have little ones around. I am grateful for the circle of life, and for the divine blessing of the family unit. There is so much to learn from those who go before, and sometimes even more to learn from those coming up behind us. The family is the perfect contraption to teach us how to love, how to live and sometimes how to endure struggles and develop patience.
Speaking of families, and being grateful for them, I could not be more grateful to be starting my own family with this guy. I am grateful for him. He has so many traits that I admire and love, and his strength and character are admirable and inspiring. Eric is genuinely a good man. He works hard, he is full of integrity, he is patient and strong, and he is also so kind and sensitive. He is my perfect man. I know he will make a great father, and I am so excited already watching him grow in to that role. This year I am grateful for how involved he has been with my pregnancy. Since day one I have only ever cleaned up my own vomit one time, that's been nice! But also, I love seeing his face light up when he feels the baby move, or hearing him be interested in bonding with our baby, and always making sure I do the same. I know he loves me because he tries so hard to take care of me, and to make sure that I do the same for myself.
Monday brought dinner and friends to our house. I did not cook, don't worry. Michelle did most of that, and she was amazing - we just used my home and dishes and table. We had an East Coast Thanksgiving at our place. The summer before I moved from Halifax I became very close friends with 3 really great girls, and slowly they have all joined me out here. We are all growing up and our lives have all gone different ways, but when we get together it feels just like old times. They are the girls I feel I will always be able to count on, and I am grateful for that. I am grateful for good friends who do good things, and who make me feel good. I am grateful for the ties that have brought all of us together, and kept us together. They are great friends in the Gospel!
Babies due one day apart - one boy and one unknown |
Thank you to everyone and everything in my life that make me happy. I love you all, and really hope you know how much you are appreciate, respected and loved. I sent out a couple of thank you cards this year, and with this made a goal: I hope to make those in my life feel this more often, and not just at this time or year. I know it's cliche, but without so many of you I would not be the person I am now and that deserves respect and thanks all the time.
I don't know what Im going to do when we all have like "grown up" families and are supposed to do our own dinners. I vote someone buys a big big house so we can continue feeding our growing crowd over the years. I love East Coast Thanksgiving.