Oct 27, 2013

Happy Birthday Eric

Today is my wonderful husband Eric's birthday. We didn't get to do much to celebrate today, as we was at school all weekend long, but it is nice to take this day to think of the many ways I am blessed to have Eric in my life. Today in Young Women's we had a lesson on gratitude, and this is something I have really been trying to work hard on lately. I thought it fitting to list the many reasons I am grateful for my wonderful husband, and things about him that I am grateful for.
1. He is strong - it's nice to have muscles around the house
2. He is kind
3. He is wise
4. He is intelligent - I enjoy listening to CBC Radio in the car now because of his influence, and I enjoy good intellectual conversations we share occasionally
5. He is good with money
6. He works so hard
7. He has a testimony
8. He is physically fit and takes care of himself
9. He is very clean
10. He always wants to take good care of me (and others around him)
11. He supports and encourages me in my hobbies and pursuits
12. He runs our little business and works hard to financially support our family
13. He is going to make a great father, and is starting to get excited about our coming baby
14. Family is important to him - I know we will always be a priority of his
15. He lets me use the car everyday for work and is willing to take the train
16. He is very fashionable and he looks good all the time
17. He is great at giving gifts - this seems like kind of a silly one, but he is good at finding things that people will like and appreciate
18. He thinks about others often
19. He is aware and sensitive of how people around him feel
20. He never leaves anyone out (intentionally)
21. He is respectful
22. He is very tough and has always been good at helping me to be tough too
23. He participated in the activity above, and is so many others before it
24. He is very mature
25. He is a gentleman
26. He loves very well
He is mine, and that really is my absolute favourite thing about him. I am happy to celebrate him today, and also want to celebrate his parents. Without them, there would be no him, and without their continuous support, love and encouragement, he would not be the same. So many of the things I love and admire about him have come from the way he was raised. He really is one of the good ones, and I am grateful for all who made him who he is today (including himself).

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