Jan 25, 2014

Baby Shower

My mother-in-law and Eric's aunt threw me a lovely baby shower this weekend, and it was so much fun. We had it at my house, since I'm a bit of a control freak and love having people over to my house (and because I wanted to show off the nursery but it was still an awful mess of a storage room at this point so that didn't happen). They did a great job with the food and the games and things and I had a blast. It was also really nice to catch up with some lovely ladies I hadn't seen in a while - some of them in a very long while. On top of all of that everyone was very generous with their gifts, and helped me to really feel settled and ready and calmed. It was a lovely evening, and I am very grateful to all who made it so.
 Sad I missed a picture with Lena before she had to take off to take care of her own babe, but I caught everyone else before they took off.

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