Feb 27, 2014

Letter to Grandma

I am so glad that you got to visit with us and share all you did with us. I am so glad you were here to share in the experience of Cecelia's birth with me.
You know how I used to think of being a woman and giving birth and even getting married, but the real truth is that there is nothing greater. I used to think that you were silly for just wanting to be a mom, but the truth is there is nothing more rewarding. I used to think you were crazy when you said that you enjoyed giving birth, but the truth is there is nothing more empowering. I used to think you were simple to assume that that's what we should/would want as well, but the truth is that every loving parent wants what's going to bring their children the most happiness and joy and once you've done it for yourself, you know that that thing is family.
That really is what it's all about. Heavenly Father send us here to learn to become like Him. Our ultimate goal is to receive all that He has, and I am more and more convinced that so much of that is His power to create - create life, create worlds, create joy.
So I take back every snarky comment, every time I looked down on you and every time I fought against what you knew to be the best thing for me, becuase I am starting to understand what you felt for me, and there is nothing in the world like it and no way it could ever want to do harm.
I love you so much and am so grateful for all the joy, love, fear, anxiety, hope and aspiration you've felt on my behalf.
I did love always having you handy to help out in those first couple of weeks. I will always remember and appreciate the time you spent here - teaching me all you could squeeze in about how to be a parent. When to worry and when to let her be; how to breast feed and what a normal belly button looks like; that crying is okay, but thinking I'm a bad mother is not. I learned a lot from you while you were here, but really I've been learning from you my whole life.
Now it's time for Cecelia and I to figure it out on our own, just as you had to with me. I have enjoyed these last couple of days with her and look forward to our journey ahead.
love always,

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