Our main struggle with Isla has been breast feeding. She eats like a champ, but we've been through every just about type of pain and cause of pain and discomfort there is. Thank goodness for my midwives and each of their expertise. I've had three of them come by at different times, each offering a different tiny tip that has moved us along one step further. The last puzzle piece was a referral from them to a breast feeding clinic, and it all seems to be coming along. Another visit or two to the clinic, and we should be in good shape - which is something I never got to say in all the 14 or 15 months with Cecelia. Getting this sorted out in the beginning this time will smooth out a lot of wrinkles and frustrations I had the first time around. I look forward to that. One week down, and I am already enjoying looking down at my little nursing babe, and not still cringing and crying each time she latches.
The second major challenge I am facing is a two year old becoming...well, two! She is trying my patience, my tolerance and my mood at every single turn. She has not been a typical "terrible twos" kind of girl to this point. She has always had a very calm demeanor, has listened very well, and a desire to obey. You may be thinking "well then you're finally getting what the rest of us parents are dealing with", but it's been very hard on me. I'm not saying that other parents don't, but I have worked very very hard to have a toddler who acted and behaved that way. I have worked very hard for two long years to develop a relationship of mutual respect and admiration with my daughter. It is something that is very important to me and it is one thing that I value more than almost anything else in the world. Cecelia and I really are best friends - and now she thinks we were best friends. Everything seems to be coming unravelled and I am loosing it all bit by bit. At the same time, I am trying to start to build the same thing up with Isla - it all started from day one. Balancing the physical demands of two kinds is hard enough, I never imagined the challenge I would have balancing the emotional needs of each girl (and myself). I do see it getting better though. As my hormones start to balance out, our sleep schedules start to regulate, and Cecelia's love for Isla grows, things will start to get better - with some hellish nightmare days in between, I'm sure.
The main feeling of the week though is love. I cannot believe how blessed I am to call this new piece of Heaven mine. She is a joy and I am grateful.
Remember that right now Cecelia is dealing with a lot of emotions that are simply too big for her to process without losing her mind a bit. Don't be hard on yourself, because there's a lot of toddler behaviour that is simply out of our control. It's our job to guide them and keep them safe from their own tempers and try to teach them how to negotiate these feelings, but it's not your fault if she has tantrums. Your job is to try to show her how to deal with them. Hope the nursing gets sorted out - those first weeks are so rough. It's hard when you dread feeding your child.