Dec 8, 2014

10 Months Old

I know I literally say this every single time, but I LOVE this age. My girl is really becoming Cecelia these days - she's changing all the time and that sassy and sarcastic personality shows through more and more each time she learns something new.
Still no crawling - although I know she's right on the edge of it. She's gotten so close so many times, but then she whines a little or gets a little tired and I just hand her whatever she wants. She really has no reason to crawl yet, because I haven't been encouraging it. I keep saying "we'll just get through Christmas and I'll take the tree down, then I'll encourage her to start crawling".
She has become a very good little communicator, which is making both of our lives a lot easier. She has mastered a few of her signs now, and she's very persistant with them until she gets the thing she needs. It has been beyond helpful to her learning these things early. They are a much more valuable skill for us right now than the moving - I'm glad she's got them down.
She is learning how to be particular, and forming her own opinions about things. She has her favourite toys, and people, and foods, and books - and she has her least favourites. It's a lot of fun to watch her express and communicate those things to us, and to watch her be content and pleased with herself and she gets the things she needs.
My favourite part about all of this is that I really feel like I'm developing my relationship with her. She really shows interest in being with me and spending time with me. Her attention span is growing, and we often get the chance to spend time together just reading or playing or snuggling, and she seems to actually enjoy it instead of wanting to move along to the next thing. I really feel like I'm connecting to her more these days than I ever have before, and I love it so much. I fall more in love with this girl all the time, and she knows it too.
 Had to do this month's photos in two shifts because I had a tired cranky girl.
This is her new trick. She loves scrunchy face!

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