Sep 22, 2013

Fall is Here!

Now that it's the first official day of fall, I thought I'd share and take a look back on our last summer hoopla - although it was not the last nice summer day we had. We've been very blessed this September.
I got less than a little sun on me this summer, and it was very disappointing. My in-laws live near a lake, and every time I wanted to go it would get cloudy and gross. But I decided that this labour day needed to be a day of rest on the beach, for everyone. So I planted the bug in everyone's ear a week before, and we all gathered together at the beach for the whole day. It was a great day - just simple outdoor fun with one of my families. Throughout the day Eric and Ben left and came back, the girls went off with their friends, Jordan went on a date with his wife, and Mom and Dad went swimming. The majority of the afternoon was Eric and I playing with Verona and Max (no complaints here) so they are pretty much the only pictures I have - not that that's far from the norm anyway.
 I thought I was the picture-taker, but apparently I should just leave my camera to these two to play with. I would never have gotten either of these shots out of them myself, they had to take them of each other.
 These are the shots I get of Max generally:
 Verona is the ham.
 I think she probably even knew that her temper tantrum would result in a cute little photo.
 Did I mention that when Eric and Ben came back from running their errands, they looked like this:
Who's who? I love these guys! (and all the other ones too).
Goodbye summer! Hello my favourite season of them all!

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