Feb 2, 2014

Leaning on Him.

We spent our fast Sunday this month thinking about our baby and hoping he/she comes safely. Mostly we are hoping, as mentioned, that I go in to labour naturally and safely. We are praying that the delivery goes well for all involved - me, baby, Eric and the doctors. We are getting so close and getting so excited.
I know and have faith that bringing the Lord in on our plans and our wishes for the next couple of weeks will give us all the strength to just trust things as they unfold. Exercising faith and showing sacrifice - us and all our family  and some friends together - will help us to know that our Heavenly Father is with us and watching out for us. It helps us to know that when He is on our side things will go the way they are supposed  to go. Things will work out the way that He knows is best and we can find peace and comfort in that. We know where we can draw strength as we face bumps or challenges along the way. We know who we can turn if things get hard, and who we can be so grateful for as all the good things that are on the way come to us.
I love my Heavenly Father and I know He loves me. I feel closer to him these days than I have in a long long time, and I as I am about to receive one of His beautiful children I know that He is looking out for me now more than ever and that He is always close by when I need help from Him.

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